The Friends of St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower are dedicated to the task of restoring and maintaining the fire tower for safe public access. Integral to this mission is developing educational programs that promote the historic and cultural values of the St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower, the NYS Fire Tower Network and the Adirondack Forest Preserve. Your contribution is vital in our quest to uphold these goals. Thank you very much.
The Friends of St. Regis Mt. Fire Tower are a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization which makes any contribution tax deductible.
When you make a donation, we will add you to our newsletter list. If you do not want to receive the newsletter, simply unsubscribe.
Make a minimum donation as indicated below and you can specify one of the gifts to receive.
Hats that do not need to be mailed can be received for a donation of $5 less than noted below.
LIMITED EDITION OF POLY HATS! Due to extra cost of these hats, a $30 donation ($25 if no shipping) will be necessary. There are only a few khaki colored; more of the blue hats.
If making a memorial donation, please indicate in the comment section to whom the donation is for.
Small stickers are handed out for FREE when we see you on the mountain!
Patch #1 – Donate a minimum $7 and receive the original patch.

Patch #2 – Donate a minimum $7 and receive the cenntenial patch.

Sticker #1 – Donate $3 you will receive one large 3″ original logo sticker.

If you want only stickers, please send a self-addressed-stamped-envelope along with your donation of $3 for each sticker you request. Please indicate which sticker you want (the original design or our centennial design).
Donate By Mail
Please print out the donation form (click here) and mail it with your donation to the provided address:
Friends of St. Regis Mt. Fire Tower
P.O. Box 73
Lake Clear, NY 12945
Donate online
To donate online using PayPal:
- Click on the Donate button below
- Type in the amount you wish to donate
- Click next
- Click specify gift by type and number, then type the name of the gift(s) you would like (based on the amount you donate; see description next to items above). Share your mailing address with us, so we can mail you your gifts.
- If your donation is in honor or memory of someone, please click specify gift by type and number and include the name here.
- Pick your payment method and click donate now.
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!
$500 + donors | $100-$499 donors | $ 50-$99 donors |
Adirondack Health | Scottie Adams | Anonymous |
Anonymous | Lily & David Allen-Hughes | Eric Aufmuth |
Anonymous | Joe & Ann Armstrong | Nancie Battaglia |
Cloudsplitter Foundation | Keith Bassage | Mark Boyce |
Harlan & Katherine Crow | Ann Bisantz & Albert Titus | Mary & Bob Brand |
Fujitsu Frontech North America, Inc | Karla Brieant | Jack & Mary Jean Burke |
Andrew Hawkins | Mr & Mrs Nathaniel Brown | Devin Cool |
Barbie & John Kimberly | Chris Cohan | Ellen EshChuk |
Lake Clear Lodge | Sandy Day | George Earle |
Dean Rhoads | Joe & Mary Deignan | Ed Engelman |
Michael Smith | Debbie & Scott Dragoon | Sherry & Jon Fieroh |
Francine and Peter Walker | James Ferrie | Cheri Fisher |
Pat & Tom Willis | Doug & Jan Fitzgerald | Elaine Fuller |
James Gould | Sam Galpin | |
Robert Hall | Michelle & Daniel Goddard | |
Paul Hartmann | Aaron Graves | |
Daniel Hartmann | Sandra Hildreth | |
Allen Harvey | James Holler | |
Edward & Lisa Hoe | Jack Kelley | |
Todd & Emily Hoffnagle | Richard Kirsche | |
Gene & Carolyn Kaczka | Nancy LaBaff | |
Fred Knauf | Robert Lahm | |
John LaHart | Steve Leahy | |
Lynda Levengood | Stephen Lenehan | |
Rick Lipinskas | Katherine McDaniel | |
Peggy Lynn | Arnie Niedecker | |
Daphne Montgomery | Hubert F. Parrow, Jr | |
Bill Packard | David Petrelli | |
John & Constance Quenell | Pfizer Foundation | |
Robert Reakes | Adam Piorkowski | |
Berkeley, Brady, Grace Rhoads | Katherine Pretl | |
Peter Siersma & Grayson Pannill | Thomas Riddler | |
Dave & Sue Schwaner | John Roberts | |
Loretta Smith | Jerry Sambrook | |
Alexander Trevor | Jim & Jennie Sausville | |
Wayne & Betty Tucker | Justin Schulz | |
Bill Ulinski | Danny & Kristin Scott | |
Marc Wanner & Judy Rush | Susan Storch | |
Jay Swartz | ||
James Walsh | ||
Jeffrey Walshe | ||
Frank Wozniak | ||
$25-$45 donors | $15-$20 donors | $10-14 donors |
Anonymous | Anonymous | Anonymous |
Anonymous | Michael Audino | Leah Bedore |
Bruce Anstey | Bruce Barnard | Liz & Ralph Bennett |
Donald Berkman | Benjamin Bradford | Mattew Bodette |
Sharon Bedford & Fred Alm | Matthew Caruso | Audra Bonney |
George Black | Dave Cilley | Alan Bradley |
Bob Brand | Brian Collupy | Harmony Cism |
Pat & Linda Breen | Isobel Connell | Tryntjie Chrysler |
Richard Brooks | Elizabeth Conrad | Stacy Dedring |
Benoit Brothers | Lawrence Dorr | Amand Drury |
Mimi Bruce & Dave Ray | Matthew Evans | Mark Earle |
Charles Caughey | Fletcher Fernau | Rachael Everleth |
Shane Curless | Mary Finnan | Willow Eyres |
Mick Dickinson | Shawn Galbraith | Brittany Farr |
Francis Farge | David Gulaitieri | Zachary Fehrman |
Tom Finngan | Ellen Gulaitieri | Bobbi Gooley |
Brian Fitzgerald“ | Janis Hansen | Aaron Graves |
John Fitzgerald | Peggi-Lynn Harrington | Bob Gugerty |
Eric Freeburg | Katelynd Hill | Bob Guilfoil |
Lawrence Funk | Robert Hopkinson | Patty Holdredge |
Shari Gnolek | Gary Hoyt | Richard Holt |
Xin Gordon | Elizabeth Iverson | Terry Hynes |
Diane Griffin | Vakerie Keen | Gene Jarosz |
Julie Harjung | Emil Klymkow | Charlene King |
Marcia Hennessy | Robert Kuba | Elizabeth Kochar |
Ernest Hohmeyer | Nancy Labombard | Nick Lanzillo |
James Holler | Laura Lane | Elma Marrone |
Graham Holmes | Alex Logie | Christina Marshall |
Shane Holmes | Paul Manzari | Duane Masonheimer |
Heather Jones | Duane Masonheimer | Justin Mawhir |
Ethan Johnson | Marcus McGivney | David & Linda McQuiston |
Nancy & Steve Knoll | Jim McIntyre | William Meloius |
Rich & Nancy LaBombard | Caleb Mcleod | Denise Mogillo |
Paul Levinson | Denise Mongilla | Darin Noel |
Richard Loud | Payton Murry | Cheryl Oakes |
Andrea Masters | Steven Newuhauser | Kelly Packard |
James McNair | Lori Paparteys | Kimberly Rohr |
Peter Miles | Raymond Philo | Charles Rudolph |
Maureen Morgan | Thomas Plummer | Michael Saracino |
Charles C. Morris III | Kelly Potter | Danny Scaggs |
Jeanne and Brian Nichols | Bevie Radacker | Jennifer Seavert |
John Nye | Linda Ramirez | Katherine See |
William & Susan Orzell | Joan Rooks | Jesica Seem |
Nathan Parker | Steve Sexton | Robert Shaw |
Laurie Rankin | Duane Simmons | Mike Shaw |
James Schneider | Dan Snyder | Cassandra Stahl |
Karen Smith | Jack Stacey | Tina Strubel |
Daniel Tette | Michael Sweeney | Kristen Taylor |
Paticia Tahan | Jared Urda | |
Randy Tate | Alfred Urenovich | |
Sue Thornley | James Viggiano | |
David Vana | Tina Vogel | |
David Verbanic | ||
Cheryl Weber | ||
Crystal Weigand | ||
Robert Williams | ||
Madison Williams | ||
Archer Wirth |