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Board members Doug, Bob and Rich mounted another panoramic panel in the tower cab. Visitors to the tower can use the labels on the panels to identify the features they are viewing. The new north view panel is the fourth one to be installed. The south and east views were placed three years ago and the west view was put up last month. The two new panels are professionally crafted and are expected to last ten or more years in the harsh summit environment. Next year the original two panels will be replaced with new professionally manufactured plates.
The heavy panels and all the tools needed to install them are packed to the top of the mountain by the volunteers. Precise marking and drilling are required to secure the panels to the tower. Using the proper safety equipment, one person works outside of the cab while two others work inside. The work is challenging and physically demanding, but extremely rewarding.
Panel photos by Mark Kurtz Photography.
Board members Jack B and Rich were on the summit yesterday to install another panoramic panel showing and naming the mountains and water seen in that view shed. We hiked up the lake trail (thank you Karen for the use of your boat). There are several large trees down and several areas with significant water on that section of trail. The main trail was mostly dry.
The installation – as with most jobs on the mountain – had its low moments and very high moments. No matter how much you plan a project, once up there you realize the job isn’t as easy as imagined. However – the job always gets accomplished! This time a wonderful Smitty student in the name of Matt appeared and helped finish the job in quick fashion.
We also had several very nice hikers visit us.
There was a couple from Italy traveling the States on their honeymoon!! And brought their love to our tower!
Tabby, a USR lake resident, is a frequent visitor. Later on Tabby sent a very nice text: “thank you for all the hard work you have put into bringing the tower back to life. I know you’ve given everyone on the lake a little piece of their childhood soul back. We all cherish the tower”.
On 7/8/24 3 members of The Friends of St Regis Mt Firetower packed up lots of tools to continue the fence replacement project, move the flag bracket, and talk with all the wonderful visitors at the tower.
6/15/24: On Saturday, four volunteers carried heavy loads up the mountain to begin a project to replace the safety fencing. The narrow stairs and landings are full of angles, twists and turns all surrounded by the supporting structure of the tower, with only the rock at the base of the tower for a work area. Thus, progress is never as fast as we would like it to be. We got a good start on the project and will return soon to continue the work. In the meantime, as the saying goes “please pardon our dust.”
10/24/23: Board members Doug, Bob and Jack B. hiked to the tower on this nice fall day. The hike up was very pleasant and warm. Once on the summit the cool wind required they wear the puffy jackets they packed up! Their mission was primarily to make a template for an aluminum bar that will be used for securing the new fence, as well as to take other measurements. They can now pre-drill other bars so that when the project occurs next spring there will be less drilling required at the tower.
They also did some end-of-summer chores so we are all ready for the winter hiking season!
8.12.23 As our mission statement says, The Friends of St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower is intent on restoring the tower as well as developing an educational and interpretive program. To that end the Friends and the Paul Smith’s College VIC have partnered to produce a display about the fire tower.
Check it out in the Great Room at the VIC.
7.14.23 On Friday board member Rich installed the bracket and arranged with Summit Steward Ethan the flying of our flag on days that he is there. It is truly a beautiful site and can be seen – with binoculars – from many places around our region. Take a hike Friday, Saturday or Sunday when Ethan is there and enjoy it up close and personal!
Board members Doug and Tom and friend John hiked up St. Regis to do a little maintenance and to plan for up coming projects.

Board members Bob, Tom and Rich took measurements and started the brainstorming sessions to plan a new fence for the firetower. It was a very productive first round. We are certainly open to all suggestions.
We and mountain steward Tony interacted with many visitors, including a couple of guys with inflatable lounge chairs! This was a first.
It was a beautiful day to be on St Regis mountain. There is some blow down on the trail of large trees, but nothing that causes one to hike off the trail.
Board members Bob and Rich had a very productive day of painting and had many visitors throughout the day. They finished up the more difficult parts and have only a couple spots to paint reachable without special tools or safety equipment!
They hiked up via the lake trail with friend Mary. The trail has a fair amount of blow down to maneuver over, but it is certainly manageable. There is on section of maybe 50 feet that is very wet. Again – very doable.
Board members Rich and Bob spent another beautiful day painting the tower. Bob mastered the roller technique and made tremendous progress. Rich worked the “outer limits” which requires moving planks around and careful footing! In the picture you can see what has not been painted and requires said planks and meticulous maneuvering. At this rate we should have only a few more days to completion of the painting project!
We had a few visitors, but unfortunately no pictures. The black flies and mosquitoes may have limited the number of hikers. Go early, be prepared with bug dope and/or netting, and climb the tower. One flight up and there were no bugs (thank goodness)!
Day 1 of painting for the 2022 season! And what a beautiful day it was. Friends of St Regis Mountain Firetower Tom and Rich continued the painting project started last year. Today we painted some of the tower legs. FYI – we are in need of volunteers for this painting project so that it can be wrapped up this year.
During the work day we had several visitors: a wonderful couple from Rochester celebrating 7 years of marriage; a group of tower enthusiasts from Clarkson University; and two DEC employees with chainsaws (THANK YOU for clearing the fallen trees off the trail)!
The trail was quite dry, and is in much better shape now; be prepared to battle black flies.
This year’s major projects were fabricating & installing the labeled panoramic panels in the cab, and painting the tower.
The two photos used in the panels were taken by local photographer Mark Kurtz. They show the east and south views as seen from the cab. The mountains and water bodies in the pictures are labeled so visitors can easily identify what they are seeing. The panels were fabricated by board member Jack and volunteer Jay. On September 2 board members Jack, Doug and Rich along with Jay paddled across the Upper St Regis Lake to the lake trailhead, carried the panels to the summit (taking turns!), and installed them onto the ceiling using brackets fabricated by friend Earl.
Throughout the summer, board members Rich, Doug, and Bob, and volunteer Tom worked on the tower painting project. Thus far the majority of the stringers and railings have been painted. This has proven to be a very involved process. The fencing needs to be removed, therefore painting the stringers is cumbersome and slow; we are painting all surfaces of the railings. Then the fencing needs to be put back with galvanized wire. After 8 days of painting throughout the summer, there is hopefully only one day left to finish the stringer/railing portion of the project. Next year we will paint the legs, horizontal cross braces and possibly re-paint the inside and outside of the cab. The diagonal braces were new in May 2019 and still look good. Painting the braces and legs will involve laying planks across the horizonal braces so the painter – with a safety harness on – can access the legs away from the landings. All the way to the top! We will also look at “if and when” the roof will require painting.
Due to COVID-19, the tower was closed from late March to June 26,2020. Hiking the trail was allowed, but no one was allowed in the tower – hikers or workers. Once the tower opened, FOSRMFT didn’t want to then close the tower to do the needed work. Therefore, it wasn’t until late August and into September when restoration work commenced.
9/16/20: On Wednesday board members Bob and Rich finished two projects: spraying cold galvanization on drilled parts of the window frames, and priming the metal under the pressure treated boards. The floor of the cab was the final section to prime. Thanks to all the visitors who wished us well and were patient with the tower being closed during their visit.
8/19/20: On Wednesday board member Rich worked on galvanizing the previously drilled holes in the window frames. He also cleaned out the 1 footer which was full of water, as well as covered up a couple incidents of graffiti. Rich visited with a few hardy souls who ventured up to the cab on this windy, chilly day. Many more hikers had picnics on the summit. One fellow brought his ham radio equipment with him!
FALL 2019
10/11/19: Board members Bob and Rich had another very successful workday yesterday – complete with perfect weather and many wonderful visitors. They painted the metal of the final landing (all stairs and landings are now completed) and galvanized the drilled holes in the windows on 2 sides of the cab. The cab floor and other 2 sides of window frames still need painting.
10/4/19: Doug, Rich and John again went by way of boat and the lake trail (it’s a shorter hike and we are carrying heavy packs with tools,…). It was a cold ride over, and a chilly day of work. In spite of the weather, we accomplished a lot and had some visitors. We primed the metal under 2 landings. The leg brackets were full of debris and sediment which was causing them to hold water. This could cause damage during freezing and thawing. They were cleaned out and drainage was re-established.
9/17/19: Bob and Rich boated over to the Judy Cameron (lake) Trail. The first half of the ride was through very heavy fog; then, the mountain and tower came into view. We managed to finish priming the stairs and one 2-board landing (no work pictures today).
8/27/19: Several days later, Bob and Rich hiked back up to do more work on priming the stairs. Previously we found that removing the nylon nuts was not always easy. Several bolts had been stripped so we had to cut them with a hacksaw. Only 5 stairs were actually completed on 8/19. This day proved a little less frustrating, but still presented challenges. By the end of the day, we had finished 3 flights of stairs – leaving 2 flights and the landings yet to be primed. Again today we had many visiting hikers, and handed many stickers and hiking certificates. One hiker of note was Annika, the granddaughter of Judy Cameron (for whom the lake trail is named), and her cousin Tabby. These women shared stories of climbing the tower and visiting the observer “with the waxed moustache”! This observer was no doubt Ed Samburgh.
8/19/19: Mason Mike Stender repairs footings.

Mike, friends Jay, John and board members Doug, Rich, Jack and Bob (with all necessary materials) rode boats to the Judy Cameron Lake Trail in Spring Bay, Upper St. Regis Lake.

The hike up the Lake Trail was uneventful. At the merge with the Keese Mills Trail, we stopped to fill up several gallon jugs with water to mix with cement for the footings repair. The hike from there to the summit was good, though with a heavier load. Once at the top, the weather was OK and Mike got right to work. Other workers started a stair priming project. The stairs need to be removed and the metal stringers primed to avoid rusting.

Soon after starting, the weather turned sour rather quickly. Work paused for a little so the crew ate lunch. When the rain let up, it was back to work.

A job very well done

After a group picture, the crew packed up to head down the mountain. Throughout the work day, several hikers also braved the weather to enjoy the sights of the summit of St Regis Mountain.
5/22/19: All the cross braces on the fire tower have been replaced. The tools and equipment used for the project, plus the old braces are now off the mountain.
The DEC Rangers and Foresters and the State Police Pilots are vital to the restoration projects being carried out on the fire tower.
5/20/19: On May 20 Ranger Burns was on the summit strapping the braces together in preparation for their flight out. Some Northwood School students arrived – working on their Saranac Lake 6er. Their help with the banding process was much appreciated by Ranger Burns and the Friends of St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower. Thank you!!!
5/11/19:Trail Report from 5/11 and brace installation completed 5/12. On 5/11 FOSRMFT member Doug hiked up to join Mike and his crew of 3 to work more on installing the braces. Doug reported that the trail was much wetter and muddier than just a couple days before. The 5 worked nearly into the night and finished all but 2 of the 4 sections on the top. Mike and a helper went back Sunday, again worked dawn to dusk, to complete the project. The St Regis Mountain Fire Tower now has all new braces!!!
5/8/19: Trail report and Restoration update: Wednesday 5.8.19 was a perfect day to hike St Regis and start up the restoration work for this year. First – NO BUGS! As of yesterday… The trail is in great shape except for several smallish sections of mud. Please do your best to stay on the trail; the wet sections are generally not all that deep or bad to walk right though.
Restoration started up again in earnest. The construction crew of 3 and 3 FOSRMFT members worked at replacing the cross braces. The 8 braces on the ground level were completed. The crew will be at it again in a few days and the project is expected to be completed within a week.
5/5/19: On Tuesday, May 7, 2019 restoration work will commence on the St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower. It is expected that the work will be periodic and completed in about ten days. While actual work is taking place the tower will be temporarily closed to climbing. When no work is taking place and once the current project is complete the tower will be open. Thank you for your patience.

FALL 2018
Update: The braces were all ready by September, but due to numerous reasons the flight to transport them to the summit could not actually take place until October 31. Sunday, 11/4 – The contractor and crew climbed to the summit and started the replacement project. One set of braces were replaced. The crew camped on the mountain overnight and planned to resume work the next day. Monday, 11/5 – The crew woke to freezing rain and wind. They deemed conditions to be unsafe to continue working. All materials were secured and the tower reopened. The brace replacement project has been suspended until May, 2019. Thanks for your patience.

November 1: After two days of weather delays, the new braces for the St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower are on the summit.
On Thursday, just one day after the flight, Doug, Jack and Rich hiked to the summit again to secure the loads. Today’s hike was a bit muddy but much different than 2 days earlier.The SP/DEC heli crew placed the loads very precisely near the tower, which made our job much easier than it might have otherwise been. With some help from other friendly hikers and a dog, the load was moved and secured – ready for installation.
Wednesday October 31: Board member Doug: “On Wednesday, as I was starting my day at home I heard the helicopter overhead. I grabbed my camera and headed to the landing zone. One load was already gone and the groundsman was preparing to hook up the braces. We chatted for awhile and the ship appeared.”
Tuesday, 10/30/2018, the forecast looked good, but the actual conditions were not. Four FOSRMFT volunteers crossed the lake in the dark to hike the shorter lake trail to the summit to receive the helicopter loads. Two DEC personnel were already hiking on the main trail to meet us at the top. A fifth volunteer, Ed, piloted the boat to the Lake Trail.

The trail was covered with snow the entire way up. Visibility at the summit did not look promising.
After waiting four hours in the cold wind on the summit for the conditions to improve the mission was scrubbed for the day.

Monday, 10/29/2018, was the scheduled flight date. The weather prevented the event, but we prepared the materials to go, hoping that Tuesday would be better.
August 1, 2018
Fabrication of the steel for the 24 cross braces was completed by Pat Lawrence of Pat’s Welding in Keeseville, NY. The pieces were then delivered to the supplier (Jefford’s Steel of Plattsburgh) who shipped them out for galvanization. After that they were delivered to the DEC maintenance facility and prepared for the flight to the summit. A Cloudsplitter Grant, DEC funding, some generous anonymous donations and hundreds of smaller donations has enabled us to move forward with this project.
July 2018
After a year of very hard work, board member Janelle successfully acquired a grant allowing the FOSRMFT to pursue the replacement of all 24 Diagonal Angle Steel Structural Members on St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower. Many thanks to the Cloudsplitter Foundation for their generous $2000 grant.
Other projects being pursued are enclosing the footings, finish the painting, put protective sealer on the steps and clean up the area around the tower. Regarding the Educational aspect of our program, we hope to have a permanent display at a nearby locale and are expanding our informational steward program (a collaboration with NYS DEC and the Adirondack Watershed Institute (AWI)) on the mountain.
Summer 2017
July 30, 2017 – Be a Summit Steward
Summit Stewards greet hikers on the top of the mountain to provide information, such as local and tower history, they point out geographical features and offer hiking tips.
Please consider spending a day or more on the top of St. Regis to speak with people and share your passion for the tower.
Winter 2017
January 30, 2017 – Photos from a winter hike to the tower to check interpretive panels, from our friends at Adirondack Explorer.
Fall 2016
November 3, 2016 – A comparison view of the tower restoration progress from August 2015 to October 2016
On August 10,2015 Sandy Trevors video made this video of the tower before the restoration started.
On October 15, 2016 Brendan Carberry, an engineer for Go Aviation who is a licensed drone operator and aircraft pilot took this amazing video which really shows off the restoration progress on the tower: A bird’s eye view of the restoration progress.
October 14, 2016 – Mountain Lake Journal
Jack Laduke of Mountain Lake PBS reports on efforts to preserve and restore fire towers that dotted the Adirondack landscape a century ago. Friends of St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower executive board member Scottie Adams is interviewed in the piece starting at 1:50.
October 6, 2016 – Beginning work on Interpretive Panels
Dr. Ed Hixson (Corona and Porter, his dogs) transported by boat, photographer Mark Kurtz and other FOSRMFT members Scottie Adams and Rich LaBombard to the lakeside trail head on Upper St. Regis Lake, also known as the Teddy Roosevelt Trail. The mission of this trip was for Mark ( to photograph the views from the summit and the cab. The ultimate goal is to have interpretive panels mounted in the cab. These panels will be labeled with the names of the lakes and mountains seen from each view. Mark took photos :
from the summit

from the cab

and of the tower

September 29, 2016 – work continues – done for the year? Report from Doug Fitzgerald
All the debris except the heavy steel roof panels is off the summit. Two hikers helped by taking stuff with them when they hiked down.
Missing nuts and bolts for the wall panels were installed and other hardware used for the window frames and hatch rail that was not correct was replaced.
The base mounting brackets were painted and remaining paint (over a quart) was brought down for warm storage.
Measurements were taken for possible placement of interpretive panels.
Doug Fitzgerald
Ed Hixson
Dale Pondysh
Tom Hirshblond (PSC ’76 alum, recruited on the trail)
Jack Burke – was not on the summit, but picked up debris at the Keese Mill trailhead that was carried down by other hikers.
September 17, 2016 – Forest Fire Lookout Association (FFLA) meetingAll four members of the Friends Executive Committee, Doug Fitzgerald, David Petrelli. Scottie Adams and Bob Marrone attended the Forest Fire Lookout Association’s (FFLA) North Eastern Conference in Keene, NY on September 17, 2016. St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower was featured on the cover of the FFLA quarterly newsletter with a report inside on the progress made on the restoration in 2016. The Friends made a Powerpoint presentation summarizing the activity over the past 13 years to save and restore the tower. Former Ranger, Bob Marrone brought along memorabilia (radio, map table, alidade and maps) which he was able to save from the tower when it was closed.
September 15, 2016 – Painting continues – and there’s more to do!
FRIENDS Bob Norton and Barbara Buckhout painted the lower section of the frame. There is some paint left and much more to do. We hope to use up the existing paint this season and resume with more painting next Spring.

September 1, 2016 – The windows and railing in the cab are installed. The tower is OPEN!!!
FOSRMFT members Doug Fitzgerald, Jack Burke, Bob Brand and Rich LaBombard spent the day installing window frames, the safety railing in the cab, and putting up the occupancy sign. All this allowed us to officially open the tower!!!
Summer 2016
August 27, 2016 – The cab is painted
New paint job for the cab, inside and out, thanks to Friends David and Eryn Petrelli and Dr. Ed Hixson. What an improvement! It needs to be mentioned that the new roof, the paint and the hardware to be used later this week have all been paid for through donations. Thank you to all who have donated.

July 29, 2016 – The new roof is on!!!
Dave Vana and his crew of Sean Connin and Jeff Couture, along with FOSRMFT members Jack Burke and Rich LaBombard, worked in beautiful weather today. Jack and Rich prepared the panels on the ground. Together with Dave and crew, the panels were hoisted to the cab, and CAREFULLY lifted into place. Then the process of securing the panels to the cab frame and to the other panels was then executed. The roof was capped (again carefully with Dave standing outside the cab!!!) and VOILA – we have a new roof! Adirondack Watershed member Elisa McIntosh was also there Friday working as a steward and assisting with the fire tower project. She will be on the summit each Friday to inform and educate the public on the flora and fauna of St. Regis Mtn., as well as about the fire tower.
July 26,2016 – Old roof removed
David Vana, his assistant Sean Connin, and FOSRMFT member Rich LaBombard removed the old roof. First we unwrapped the new roof panels and bundles of tools which were airlifted. Then Dave and Sean proceeded to loosen bolts and use a power grinder – often while hanging out the cab window – to remove the old roof panels. These were then carefully lowered to the ground. The old wooden window frames and other miscellaneous parts were removed in preparation for installing the new roof panels. Final job for this day – prepare the new roof panels for installation on another day!
July 21, 2016 – New roof flown to summit; debris removed
A NYS Police helicopter flew up from Albany with pilots Pat Hogan and Scott Oseback and Crew Chiefs Steve Jacobs and Rob Jahn. Ground crew consisted of DEC personnel Steve Guglielmi, Jeff Balerno and Kevin Burns and “Friends” Bob Marrone and Scottie Adams. Roof parts, hatch railings and window frame parts were loaded into a sling. The load was airlifted from Saranac Inn Maintenance Center to the summit of St. Regis Mountain approximately 4 miles away. Ranger Kevin Burns, in the chopper and Ranger Tom Edmunds on the summit, unloaded the parts with help from other DEC personnel and volunteers (Greg Bowler, Sebastian Seubert, Hunter Hintenlang) and Friends of St. Regis Fire Tower (David Petrelli and Rich LaBombard). Check out the YOUTUBE video.
The roof panels, hatch railings and window frames were flown in first.
June 21, 2016 Summer is here and plans are under way for the summer/fall building season.
Major accomplishments over the past year include:
Projects to be completed in 2016 building season:
Determination that Bicknell’s thrush does not breed on the summit of St. Regis, study performed by ornithologist Brian McAllister.
Delivery of building materials to the summit by State Police helicopter with DEC personnel.
Railings, stairs, safety fencing and the floor of the cab were replaced by the Friends and the Student Conservation Association (SCA).
A series of anonymous donations have allowed the Friends to contract with David Vana of Davana, LLC in Bloomingdale, NY to remove the old roof, fabricate new parts and assemble them on the tower. The parts have been manufactured and plans to airlift the parts to the summit for assembly are in progress.
X braces – plans are in progress by the DEC to have these manufactured and replaced.
Window frames – Ready to be installed
Hatch fencing and railing – Ready to be installed
The Aquatic Watershed Institute (AWI) of Paul Smith’s College is providing a summit steward who is scheduled to be on the St. Regis summit every Friday during the summer season.
Future projects:
Cosmetic repair of base footings
Cab ceiling
Stair Base
Winter 2016: Gearing up for the spring/summer construction season.
A series of anonymous donations has allowed the Friends to contract with David Vana of Davana, LLC in Bloomingdale, NY to remove the old roof, fabricate new parts and assemble them on the tower. This is a huge project which involves working 40 feet up on top of the tower. The project is scheduled to take place early to mid June, weather dependent, of course. David Vana runs a small company that specializes in finding and saving historical Fire Observer Towers. He disassembles, repairs, manufactures new structural steel parts as needed, re-galvanizes and restores the tower to it’s original structural integrity, safe for public use. David’s assistance with the roof will move the restoration project closer to completion.

Railings: The railing to be placed around the hatch opening is currently being fabricated at the DEC’s Saranac Inn Maintenance Center (SIMC). It is being made from 1 ¼” pipe and fitting instead of angle steel. It is being modeled after similar railings produced by Vana. It will be easy to disassemble for transport and reassemble on site.
Window Frames: The SIMC will also pre-drill window framing steel using templates made on the November 24 trip.
Fall 2015: Not quite done, but almost.
Our fire tower is not finished, and is NOT open to the public. The cab still needs safety railings, a new roof, and windows installed. PLEASE do not climb up the tower. It will be open next year.
November 24, 2015 – Window prep
After a nice hike up, Doug, John and Rich of the Friends group battled the cold, blustery wind to install one window panel divider. The metal was pre-cut, but needed to be drilled and bolted onto the frame. To do this first required some removal of the old wooden frame. The pieces fit perfect, holes were drilled, and a template was made so that the other pieces can be pre-drilled in a shop.
Summer 2015: The work is underway!
September 24, 2015
WORKDAY 4: The SCA crew and Friends installed more railings, stairs, safety fencing and the floor of the cab. The SCA worked overtime to wrap things up with plans to leave Friday. They are an energetic, skilled and very tough crew. The Friends of St. Regis Fire Tower – and all those who will enjoy the tower – cannot thank you folks enough.
September 23, 2015
WORKDAY 3: The wonderful SCA crew, a handful of Friends and (a “packmule” of) a DEC staff brought more supplies up the mountain and installed more railings and stairs.
September 22, 2015
Work Day 1
Report from Doug Fitzgerald:
“We had a good start on Monday. The Student Conservation Crew is camping near the summit. We installed the first flight of stairs today and are working our way up the tower. We had 7 SCA members, 6 Friends of St. Regis volunteers, a DEC employee and a DEC/SCA intern. A very historic day. We should have people up there all week. “
For any potential helpers: If you see anything at the base labeled to go to the summit, feel free to carry it up.
FYI: Shaun Kittle, Outdoor and Sports Writer for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise is planning to be on the summit today – Tuesday – to interview workers and write a feature story for the ADE Saturday edition.
Cari Lee, one of the many SCA workers at the fire tower, submitted some of the following photos and reports: “The restoration project on the fire towers at St. Regis has started. I’m so grateful to be a part of something that has so much meaning. The members of the DEC and Student Conservation Association are truly amazing!”

September 16, 2015: The restoration has begun. Materials are already on the summit and now is the time to act. We can use your help.
The SCA crew will be arriving at the trailhead on Monday, 9/21 around 10 AM. They are planning to camp near the summit through Thursday night and will leave around noon on Friday, 9/25.
– The crew will be 6 or 7 SCA members plus 1 leader.
– On Monday they will have a lot of stuff to carry up the mountain. Camping gear, food, tools, materials, etc…
If anyone can help carry some of this it will assist them to get organized and started quicker.
– Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be full work days for them, with Friday being a time for them to wrap up and break camp.
Work will consist of:
1. Stair, landing and cab floor replacement,
a. Includes demolition of the old wood and fasteners with removal of debris from the summit.
b. We may prime the steel surfaces where the lumber makes contact with it. Forester Tate Connor is researching products to use.
2. Re-installation of the bottom two flights of stair stringers.
a. Includes installation of new or salvaged hand rails and stanchions (not currently on the summit)
b. We will need to determine how best to attach the bottom stringers to the base pad. We need ideas of how to do this.
3. Installation of fencing around the stairs and landings.
a. Wire ties to be carried up.
When this work is done the fencing will be used to block the entrance to the bottom flight of stairs and a “tower closed” sign will be posted. Obviously, this will not prevent people from climbing over the fence and going up the tower, but it will serve to let people know that it is not officially opened yet.
Our efforts will consist of working with the SCA crew to help make their time on the mountain as productive as possible.
Volunteers will need a hard hat, eye protection and work gloves.
We have a few extra hard hats and safety glasses.
Disposable ear plug will be provided for hearing protection.
Bring a pack with work gloves, personal gear, water and food. Bring a pack with extra room to help take other items to the summit.
August 20, 2015 We have just received word that lumber for the stairs, the stringers and some other materials are going to be choppered to the summit of St Regis in the next week. The material will be staged tomorrow. The exact day the chopper will fly will be dependent upon the weather. Additionally, the Student Conservation Association (SCA) is scheduled to work on the tower during the week of September 21. Great progress!!! Many thanks to the DEC personnel for all their efforts.
August 10, 2015 Sandy Trevor of Upper St. Regis brought a drone cam up St. Regis and shot this great video of the tower and its views: It is easy to see the work that needs to be done, replacing the stairs and roof panels are the most obvious.
August 1, 2015 A materials list was delivered to the DEC forester in charge of the restoration project.
July 11, 2015 David Petrelli, assisted by Scott Dragoon climbed the tower and took numerous pictures and measurements of various structural parts to facilitate the production of a materials list.
July 8, 2015 The construction work group met to discuss what material and measurements are needed to complete a materials list for the tower reconstruction. Additionally, arrangements are in progress to get the window frames and hatch railings fabricated.
June 6, 2015 On Trail Day, , a crew of 16 hearty volunteers worked on the St Regis Mountain trail. The crew, headed by DEC Asst. Ranger Keith Hollenbeck, Ranger Tom Edmunds (on his day off), back country steward Cari Brazie and FOSRMFT steering committee members Doug Fitzgerald and Scottie Adams, constructed 2 bridges over a wet, boggy area of the trail. Assemblyman Dan Stec Traveled from Queensbury to join the effort.
Volunteers for Trail Day: Scottie Adams, Rick Betty, Heather Daly, Debbie and Scott Dragoon, Doug Fitzgerald, Dr. Ed Hixson, Janelle Hoh, Jen Johnson, Sharon Kemp, Rich LaBombard, Carla Morse, Marcia Pickering, Judy Rush, Assemblyman Dan Stec and Marc Wanner.
June 4, 2015 A survey for Bicknell’s thrush was conducted by Brian McAllister and 6 students from his Paul Smith’s College field ornithology course. They surveyed the habitat above and below the tree line, playing a recording of the Bicknell’s thrush to elicit a response from any birds present in the vicinity. No indication of the presence of Bicknell’s thrush was detected by this survey.
June 3, 2015 The nitty-gritty/get your hands dirty work started with the uncovering of parts from St Regis tower and others. Inmates from Moriah Shock Camp helped sort out a pile of tower parts that were mostly from Debar and Pharaoh Mountains. Many of the pieces are in bad shape, but the missing St. Regis stair stringers and some cross braces were found.
From the minutes of the Educational/interpretive working group “Last night the interpretive group met at the PSC library to start the process of developing a program. One of the questions that came up is how to handle the volunteer stewards on the mountain. The options are; a paid DEC staff on weekends, Volunteers on weekends, or a combination of paid on weekends and volunteers midweek. We liked the combo option but will do more research to get details from DEC on how we can use their resources and training program. We will also develop a training program for volunteers on the mountain and at the VIC. We would like to create a handbook and handouts to be used by all stewards. We intend to develop some static displays for both locations for when no stewards are present.”
Spring 2015
We have some exciting updates to share with you. A very successful public meeting was held March 3, 2015 at the Paul Smith’s VIC to update interested parties on restoration progress and to recruit team leaders and volunteers. Areas for volunteer effort have been divided into 3 main work groups: Construction, Fundraising, (which includes the Web site and Social media), and Education / Interpretive. Progress with the Work Goups is summarized below:
On November 7, 2014 DEC Commissioner, Joe Martens issued the final Saint Regis Fire Tower Historic Area (SRMFTHA) Unit Management Plan which would allow restoration of the tower to proceed. The Friends of the St Regis Fire Tower applied for a Volunteer Service Agreement (VSA) which was approved on January 16, 2015. The Friends are now working closely with DEC personnel to restore the tower and to develop educational and stewardship programs.
- We have a web site that is smart phone friendly. Please check it out.
- We have a Facebook page. Please “Like Us” and send us your favorite photos of St. Regis- the mountain, the tower, and the view.
- The Friends of St. Regis Mt. Fire Tower are a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization which makes any contribution tax deductible. Make a donation on line or download a donation form and mail to us.
- Our construction leaders have met with DEC officials twice in the last two months and preparations are underway.
- The tower has been inspected by a state engineer and the reports are in hand. The original Aermotor plans for the tower are available.
- Several possible stockpiles of spare parts have been located and are being investigated.
- Quotes for new parts have been received.
- A letter has been received from the DEC verifying that the DEC has funds for fire tower stewardship, including maintenance, rehabilitation and educational activities. Provisions include purchase of materials and supplies by the DEC and labor provided by our Friends organizations.
- A survey for Bicknell’s Thrush is being arranged as this will effect when restorations can occur.
Education/Interpretive Group
- Plans for static educational displays on the mountain and at the Paul Smith’s College Visitor Interpretive Center (VIC) are being developed. One such display would include a mock-up of the tower cab.
- Training programs for Volunteer stewards on the mountain and at the VIC are being developed.
- Handouts to be used by stewards are being planned.
- We are still looking for help in our work groups: Construction, Fundraising, (which includes the Web site and Social media), and Education / Interpretive.
Saving The Tower (Pre-2015)
See News for details.
There are many reasons why the St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower was saved. Listed below are a few to consider:
The History:
- The environmental education value of a staffed tower is immense.
- Fire towers serve to remind us of the value of our forest.
- Paddlers use the tower to get their bearings in the St. Regis Canoe Area. It’s a welcome landmark.
- The preservation of the St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower is overwhelmingly supported by local residents and townships, (over 2500 petition signatures) as well as our state representatives.
- Only a few fire towers in the whole state remain. At one time there were over 100.
- The St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower has been on the summit since 1918 and it is on the National Register of Historic Places.
- The St. Regis Mountain Fire Tower was in operation for 81 years making it the longest operating fire tower in the State of New York.
The People, The Places:
- Volunteers are numerous and willing to do the work and monetary donations would cover the costs of a full restoration.
- Other towers have been successfully restored and staffed.
- Its close proximity to the Visitor Interpretive Center makes it a natural for interpretive hikes.
- The view from the summit is good. The view from the tower is Great.
- Towers have always been annual destination points for individuals, couples and families (We’re sure there are lots of personal stories that would be lost).
- Many see fire towers as a symbol of wilderness. This tower can be seen as a visible representation of the unspoiled forest.